The last event on LBS Applications was held on 26th November at Koramangala Club. Deepak told us about Mobiance’s work and the advances/challenges on GIS Data Collection in India. We’ll put up the material soon here. In the meantime here is a nice writeup on the event by Arvind Padmanabhan.
Unfortunately the TringMe demo did not happen since they were held up with a major release. Read all about it on TC. Hopefully we’ll be able to persuade them to demo sometime next year!
On the community front, Sloka Telecom, who demo’ed their WiMAX base station in MoMo, are going great guns. Their great work is sure getting noticed! Here’s wishing them a very successful 2008.
ActivMobs, another mobile startup from Bangalore, was covered by Economic Times here. Our own folks, Motvik and Mobisy found a mention in an IHT article. MaxHeap, who demo’ed their BanKaro app once, was the centerpiece of the article. Unfortunately the app has been discontinued since then and the MaxHeap guys are cooking up their next revolutionary product right now. All the best to them.
From the grapevine, the two companies to watch out for are Ziva and Mobisy. We have been hearing good things about them lately. Watch this space for more updates.
We leave you with an amazing picture from the IHT article. The look kind of says it all.

Wishing you a very happy and prosperous 2008.