Archive for July, 2006

Post Meet Update

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

Thanks to a full house yesterday, the second MoMo Bangalore meet turned out to be a great experience. We had a diverse group of technologists, entrepreneurs and businessmen gathering for an open discussion on the Mobile World as it is today.

Rajan set the ball rolling with an brief introduction on Mobile Monday. Out two spekers of the day were Sujai Karampuri on Next Generation Mobile Networks and Deepak Jaisawal on Mobile Value Added Services.

Sujai covered the vast expanse of 2.5G to 4G technologies in his talk. He pointed out the opportunities that lies ahead for startups in this expanding domain. His presentation can be found here.

Deepak focussed on the the market, the roadblocks and the future of Mobile VAS. The session was very interactive with everybody joining in and giving their own perspective. His presentation can be found here.

Thanks to everybody for joining in and making it a success. Also big thanks to Aztec Soft and SVB India Partners Ltd. in helping us conducting it. A big thanks to the speakers and all the contributors to the disucssion. Do have a dekko at the pics.

The next meet would be on the 4th Monday of August. We will follow the same format of having two speakers but restric the talks to around half an hour and leave some time for networking. Any suggestions on topics, comments, feedback and criticism is welcome. Hope to see you all there again. In the meantime do keep on monitoring this blog and the disucssion list for updates.

Update: Rajiv’s thoughts after the event on “Super Intelligent Devices“, Rajan continuing the meme on a post titled “Network Intelligent or Stupid”

Update:Mahesh’s a round up on the July event and also wondering “If users are dumb“

July Event Registration Confirmation

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006

We have a recieved a lot (60+) of registration this time around and have reached our maximum seating capacity. Confirmations have been mailed out to all those registered. In case you  registered and have not recieved a confirmation reply, send a mail to Rajan (thiyagarajan AT

For directions to venue  refer to the below map

Aztec Office Map
In case of any queries call Rajiv (9945194380). Looking to forward to see you all on monday.

MoMo July Annoucement

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

This months’ MoMo is going to be held on 24th July. Here are the details.

Date: 24th July, Monday, 2006.
Time: 6:30 to 8 pm.
Venue: AztecSoft, #23, 3rd A Cross, 18th Main, 6th Block, Koramangala. (check below for directions).


  • Next gen mobile networks - concepts, trends and utilization. - Sujai Karampuri, CEO, Sloka Telecom.
  • Mobile VAS and Indian markets - Deepak Jaiswal, Independent Consultant

Courtesy SVB India Advisors Pvt. Ltd.

Pls. register yourself here.

6th Block is opposite to National Games Village (NGV in Koromangala). The landmark for 18th Main is Devi Eye Hospital; its the road which goes inside just beside Devi Eye Hospital. The landmark for 3rd Cross is a park which falls on the left hand side just before the T-Junction.

Venue Sponsors:

Snack Sponsors:

Also join the mailing list here.

There seems to be a problem in the register link which says MoMo Mumbai on completion. We are working on that!