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MoMo Sept

Thanks to all who turned up for yesterday’s meet. We had some new faces along with the regulars. With your continued participation and patronship we hope to build a thriving community of mobile enthusiasts in Bangalore.

A big thanks to Sanjay, our speaker for stepping in at the last moment and conducting a very interactive session dotted with light hearted quips. We are eagerly looking forward to some tips on Fund Raising from him. :) . The presentation can be found here (pdf file).

A big thanks too to Seraja, MyToday and Greynium for sponsoring this event. They took care of everything including booking the venue and arranging for the snacks. It made our job very easy. The was definately the best arragement we’ve had till now.

The next time we are hoping to get Mr. Krishna Durbha from Reliance India to speak on the Operators viewpoint. Do watch out for it. In the meantime check out the pics here and here and feel free to use the mailing list for continuing the discussion.

7 comments September 26th, 2006

Mobile - VAS 2.0 - Sep 25 2006

Change of Speaker !!

Mr Krishna Durbha informed us that he would not be able to make it to the event today. We have Mr. Sanjay Swamy, CEO of mChek who would be speaking today instead. Sanjay has graciously accepted to speak at MoMo inspite of such a short notice and he would talking about “VAS 2.0″

Topic: VAS 2.0

Speaker: Sanjay Swamy, CEO , mChek
Date: 25th September, 2006, Monday

Time: 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
9th Main, 4th Cross
HAL 2nd Stage
Bangalore - 560 008

RSVP: Please register here to attend

Sponsors :

Venue and Snacks

(mobile version) by Netcore

5 comments September 23rd, 2006

No Registration before announcement

We have recieve many registration requests almost on a daily basis for MoMo. Please note we shall not be able to register before we announce the event. So in case you send a registration request you would have to send a request again after the announcement of an event.

Add comment September 11th, 2006

Pics and Presentation

We had a very pretty well attended MoMo meet yesterday in Bangalore. Around 30 people turned up even though the event was announced at the last moment and it had started drizzling around 6 in the evening. The CKS Consulting’s Office was a perfect setting for an informal get-together and networking session.

Rishit gave a great presentation on Mobile VAS Scenario. He covered several aspects of Mobile VAS including the types of content, value chain, market numbers and barriers to entry from the Indian perspective. He drew on his own vast experience and shared with us some insightful thoughts on the Industry. It turned out to be a very interactive session with everybody participating with their own perspectives. The presentation can be accessed here (ppt file).

The pics taken during the discussion can be found here.

Once again a big thanks to CKS for providing us the venue and support, and to Rishit for taking time off to share his experience, and to OnMobile for the sponsoring the snacks.

The next event would be held 25th September. We are looking at various options for venue and speakers. Hope to see everybody there again.

7 comments August 29th, 2006

August event - to be announced shortly

Lots of queries about the date of august event of Mobile Monday. Please bear with us for some more time. The announcement should have been up by now but due to non availability of venue options for this month we have not been able to put up the notice for the event. We are frantically working on finding out a venue for hosting the event. So stay tuned.

In the meanwhile if you could help with our venue search it would greatly appreciated. You could reach us at rpoddar AT gmail DOT com and thiyagarajan AT gmail DOT com

Add comment August 24th, 2006

July Event Registration Confirmation

We have a recieved a lot (60+) of registration this time around and have reached our maximum seating capacity. Confirmations have been mailed out to all those registered. In case you  registered and have not recieved a confirmation reply, send a mail to Rajan (thiyagarajan AT

For directions to venue  refer to the below map

Aztec Office Map
In case of any queries call Rajiv (9945194380). Looking to forward to see you all on monday.

Add comment July 23rd, 2006

Press Coverage

Main stream Press coverage of mobile monday

Can be viewed in pdf format here

Add comment June 20th, 2006

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