A talk on Mobiles , Architecture & Social Space
CKS Consulting is organizing a talk by Molly Wright Steenson on: *“Fun Palaces and Mobile Architecture : Networked, Mobile Space in the Sixties and Seventies”*.
*“Fun Palaces and Mobile Architecture : Networked, Mobile Space in the Sixties and Seventies”* at 6 p.m. on 7th August, 2006 at CKS House, #4004, 100′rd., Indiranagar, Bangalore-560038.
(please refer to attached map for directions)
Ms Molly Steenson will discuss figures like Cedric Price (whose Fun Palace was inspired by cybernetics and theater), Archigram (inspired by technology) and Superstudio (visionary, radical Italian architects of the mid-60s and early 70s) who offered provocative architectural
frameworks and visions that seem to presage some current ideas about space and mobility.
Molly Wright Steenson is a design researcher. She currently attends the Yale School of Architecture, where she is pursuing a history and theory masters and researching the character of mobile, social space. Before Yale, she was an associate professor at the Interaction Design Institute
Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, a masters program, where she led the Connected Communities research area. Molly cut her teeth on on line community in 1992 and with the Web in 1994. Working with a variety
oftechnology firms and design studios, she built over 100 websites for companies like Netscape, Reuters, and Scient as a user-centered designer, strategist and producer. She was the co-founder of Maxi, an award-winning women’s website, published from 1997-99. Molly hails from Minneapolis, studied German Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and called San Francisco home for a decade.
/About CKS Consulting Pvt Ltd/:
CKS conceptualizes and develops innovative products and services that harness the new possibilities of media, communications and technology. We offer research and design services to leading Indian and Multinational clients. CKS is the author of ///Used in India/, a multidisciplinary
documentation project that captures the innovative ways in which Indians have used media and technology in the 20th century. We have also produced recenteditions of the acclaimed Doors of Perception design conference. CKS founded the ///Learnineg Lab/ Initiative to promote the creative use of mobile devices for public education in emerging economy environments.
RSVP: 080-4154373/74 or email:
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